KiwiFlyer Training Article - Issue 53 2017 #4 New Zealand is well served by several organisations who make it their business to help develop your interest in flying. Mostly volunteer based, these organisations offer a variety of ways for you to become involved in aviation, either for general interest, recreation, or with a career in mind. The following is the text of an article I recently contributed to The KiwiFlyer Guide to Aviation Training. I hope you find it helpful. So, you like the idea of flying, but people have told you it is hard to get into and very expensive. Well to an extent it is, but you might be interested to hear that there are many individuals, organisations,...
I’ve been immensely fortunate to have been trained, influenced, bum kicked and helped by some very good people. Many of you have also been or will be, and while we probably won’t get the chance to pay them back, we can pay it forward. So this is my attempt to pass on some lessons I have been taught or picked up along the way. In the old days we called it airmanship. Maybe that term still has a place in aviation. Piloting is a mix of art and science Both aspects are important. You certainly must have the knowledge, skill, attitude and experience to fly safely, but listen to the whispers. If it feels wrong, it may well be. Learn...
I've recently completed running the operational side of the 49th Walsh Memorial Scout Flying School, my 18th as CFI, and I found myself reflecting on leadership styles. Unfortunately I missed the CAA's CFI Seminar last year, as I was delivering an ATPL class, so I thought I'd blog some of my opinions on leadership in a flight training environment. Firstly, and I am sure without question, senior instructors must lead by example. If for no other reason than for the fact that the human animal learns by mimicking others around them. Make it easy for the instructors in your team to do the right thing, and they will. If your instructing team are not performing as you expect, reflect on...
If a career as an airline pilot is your ambition, Waypoints Aviation Ltd offers an opinion on 10 steps to achieving your goal in New Zealand. Climbing these steps to the driver’s seat of a commercial airliner takes effort, commitment and a significant financial investment in yourself, not to mention just a little bit of intelligence and skill.
I don't like this sort of blog, but I have to bare my soul. I made an error and gave myself a bloody big fright! The other day I was preparing our Chipmunk for some circuits and was having a little difficulty priming and starting it. I was in and out of the cockpit three or four times in an attempt to get it started. I was getting a bit frustrated and I suppose I was rushing a bit. I finally managed to get it primed and was turning the prop through a few turns to prime the cylinders when it burst into life! I had left the mags on. To say I got a huge fright is an understatement! ...